Lockie Farms believes dedicated personalized customer service is the foundation to its business.
We strive to help each person meet the goals they have set out to meet with their farming business. Typically we merchandise the commodities listed below, but please call (905) 473-2361 if we can help with a commodity that is not listed below:
- Corn (EU Approved Varieties)
- Soybeans
- Barley
- Soft Red Winter Wheat (SRWW)
- Hard Red Winter Wheat (HRWW)
- Soft White Winter Wheat (CEWW)
- Hard Red Spring Wheat (HRSpW)
For more information on our EU Policy, please visit http://lockiefarms.com/eu-policy
For registration for our Client Portal, iPhone App, and Android which will show up to date pricing, please email tiffany@lockiefarms.com or call (905) 473-2361 to register today!